It’s Electric: Neon Accents
Neon colors are absolutely electrifying…and if not done right, can seem more like electrocuting. Neon is so strong on its own that a little goes a long way; used properly, it adds a bright, cheery note to any room. Neutral-lovers, fear not! Neons actually work best with colors that help them tone down a bit....

Stacking Up Style: Modern Cladding from aZüra Stoneworks
Natural and modern stacked stone is becoming one of the hottest trends in interior and exterior design…and we are loving it. Stone cladding is far from new, but innovative designs and new products are now reinvigorating this classic look. One collection that stands out–literally!–amongst the rest is the

Design Trends: Paper Chase
For years, wallpaper had a reputation as the ugly duckling of wall coverings. Not long ago, wallpaper brought to mind homes that are outdated, somewhere you could find an old spinster with 6 cats who holds meetings for her knitting club. Wallpaper meant thick vinyl with flowery ceiling borders, sun-faded gingham checks and dancing vegetables....

Design Trends: Herringbone
Herringbone is an enduring pattern that designers and homeowners have recently fallen in love with all over again. What makes this classic so trendy? Well, for starters, the zig-zag lines can be colorful and playful in a more modern space, or clean and sophisticated in a traditional one. Some designers are getting especially bold by...

Design Trends: Sweet Honeycomb Tile Patterns
Spring has finally arrived, and we have spotted the season’s sweetest design trend. Honeycomb patterns are popping up everywhere on the runway and in interiors. The home of the bumblebee is the inspiration for spring’s sweetest dresses, pillows, lighting fixtures–even earrings and table decor.

Design Trends: Hitting the Nail on the Head!
At the beginning of each year, designers all over the world put in their two cents on what’s in and what’s out. In recent years, the use of nail heads as decorative trim has gained popularity, going beyond the ordinary applications on sofas and chairs. We’re glad to see that in 2013, it looks like...