Small Bathroom Secrets: How to Pick the Right Mirror
When designing a small bathroom maximizing space is key. Usually this means focusing our attention on the fixtures that take up the most space: showers, tubs, toilets and vanities. After you have picked out the perfect petite vanity along with a lovely space-saving loo it’s time to think about some design elements that can help...
Spotlight: The Branchetti Luxury Collection
When it comes to upholstery we are obsessed with anything that is tufted. The smallest piece can add something special to any room–giving it a look that is more regal and refined. And let’s not forget that the style has proven to be timeless: it’s centuries old and has never been more popular in interior...
Small Bathroom Secrets: How to Pick the Right Toilet
If a bathroom is short on space it doesn’t have to be lacking in style–remember it’s all about strategic planning! Last week we shared some design advice on how to maximize space with small and stylish vanities. This week we are focusing on how to pick the right toilet for your bathroom. Some would say...
Small Bathroom Secrets: How to Pick the Right Vanity
When you think about your bathroom do the words tiny and claustrophobic come to mind? Most city dwellers–especially us New Yorkers–have experienced living in a small bathroom, but not everyone knows how to live with one comfortably. Having a good layout and choosing the right fixtures can turn a space that was meant to be a...
Design Style: A Masculine Vibe
Earlier this week we shared some really cool interiors that were made just for men. A stylish guy must have a stylish and sophisticated bachelor pad, right? For the men who are not bachelors, hopefully you get to have a man cave with a private study and a bar in the basement. At the very least...
Manteriors: Bachelor Pad Style
We’d like to think that a gentleman with style has a few key skills under his belt: how to pair a tie with the right blazer, how to mix the perfect drink, and how to entertain in a home that showcases his personality. Unfortunately, many guys who have it together when it comes to personal...